50 ways to Fundraise for CARI

We’d love any help you can give us to raise the funds we need to maintain and extend our services. And we will gladly appreciate whatever help you are able to offer.
That can be anything from a half hour for a €50 whip-round or getting together with friends to organise a bigger fundraiser.
Fundraiser ideas
We’d love to hear your creative ideas for raising vital funds for CARI… but if you need some inspiration, here’s a start:

Just You
You can take on a challenge yourself and ask people to sponsor you.
Make it easy on yourself and set a target of anything from €100 to whatever you feel you can reach.
- Give up Smoking
- A Head shave
- Do a Sponsored Silence
- Run a Marathon or take part in the Women’s Mini Marathon or Dublin City Marathon for CARI
- Do a Sponsored Cycle or Swim

Keep it Local
Why not get together with friends and organise something simple in your local community:
- Car Boot Sale
- Coffee Morning
- Children’s Picnic
- Bake Sale
- Dinner Party/Come Dine With Me

At Work
Your colleagues or employers might support your fundraising efforts, which leaves lots of scope for:
- Muffin Monday
- Matched Giving: your employer matches whatever you and your colleagues raise. We are registered with Benevity corporate match funding
- Dress Down Day
- Tea Trolley
- Pay Day Breakfast

At Play
If you are involved in local clubs or organisations, ask them to help out and organise:
- A pub quiz
- A raffle
- A singles night
- Strictly Come Dancing night
- A Treasure Hunt

Build a Team
- A pantomime
- A pamper day
- A photo exhibition
- A summer s

Once a Year
- A Teddy Bear’s Picnic
- A Family Fun Day
- A Sponsored Family Walk along a favourite local route
- A Christmas Fair
- A summer sausage sizzle

- Set up a JustGiving Page for your fundraising event
- Make a Facebook Birthday request for donations
- Hold an online auction
- Run a social media campaign
- Have a star speaker for an online event

Go Big
- Stage a Christmas or New Year’s Ball
- Organise a concert
- Run a Talent Show
- Organise a sweepstake around a major sporting event
- Run a monster raffle with a major prize

Go Global
- An online art auction
- Seek sponsorship for a major challenge like a mountain climb or walking the Camino
- Run a live online donation event
- Organise a global Give it Up campaign, to give up smoking, sweets or bad habits.
- Make a Guinness Book of Records attempt and make a global appeal

Go with your Imagination
We’ve given you lots of ideas but we’d really love to hear yours.
So tell us more about your:
- Original fundraising ideas
- Unique events
- Global connections
- Community efforts
- Innovative campaigns
Having an Impact
CARI provides therapy to help them heal and to trust and hope again. CARI enables helps restore their faith in relationships and rebuild their lives.
Next Steps to Fundraise with CARI
Just contact us fundraising@cari.ie and let us know what you are doing and make sure you set up your online sponsorship form at JustGiving. JustGiving is a website you can use to set up your own fundraising page to make and receive donations online. It’s easy and very simple to use.